Sunday, July 17, 2011

Big Brother 13 Season 13 Episode 5

Big Brother 13 Season 13 Episode 5 - Hello buddy how are you doing today? Hope all of you are fine and always healthy. Today, I will share to you the review of Big Brother 13 Season 13 Episode 5. By the way, did you watch the previous episode? I am sure if you watch it already you will know the continuation of this review. But don't worry. Here we go guys.

Nominations for eviction are Revealed. Participants in Big Brother 13 is now more tense with the nominations for eviction are revealed. They compete to be the best in the Big Brother house. Competition became more visible among the participant.

Jeff & Jordan — They’re even more the team to beat with Dick out of the house. They’ll benefit the next few weeks from Brendon and Rachel being the lightning rods for attention on the Vets team. Plus, I liked Jeff’s level headed response to Dick’s departure and what it meant strategy-wise. Right now, Jeff is the best strategist in the house. Chance of winning: 40% (+5%)

Danielle — Dick may not have left to further his daughter’s game – he’s much too selfish for that. But he provided her with a Golden Key by leaving the game and that let’s her be free to just be social for the next three weeks. She’s been noticably quiet among all the house guests on the CBS episodes. She’s developing strategy and listening. I would fear her if it gets down to the final five or six. Chance of winning: 25% (+5%)

Big Brother 13 Season 13 Episode 5 - Shelly & Cassi — I still like their chances as a duo to survive the next few weeks. I think other groups are making themselves to be much bigger targets. The smart players will figure out that Cassi is good at seeing the game play going on. Only a nomination next week will put her in jeopardy. Chance of winning: 13% (-2%)

Brendon & Rachel — One of the two of them is going to survive on Jeff and Jordan’s coat tails for a few weeks still. They call way too much attention to themselves and play the game with too much emotion to make it to the Finals together. Half the time they’re at odds with each other. They’re great for this game because they just bring drama with them wherever they go. Chance of winning: 12% (+2%)

Keith & Porsche — Obviously, one of the two is gone this week. But the other one is sitting pretty good with the Golden Key. Keith will make a power move to get with Danielle – his huge crush in the game. If it’s Porsche, she’s also got a few weeks to see if her deal with the Vets will work out or she could easily return to the Newbies with few bridges burnt. Chance of winning: 5% (-7%)

Lawon & Kalia — These two intrigue me but neither has really figured out where they need to be just yet. And that’s okay. Lawon is part of the Regulators but his frustration with Keith could make that hard to stick with over the next few weeks. Kalia is laying low (a great strategy for the first few weeks) but she’s leaning towards supporting the Vets. Both will probably survive a couple weeks but need to land on a side by then. Chance of winning: 5% (-2%)

Adam & Dominic — I don’t even consider these two at this point. One of the two will be the next houseguest evicted next week (my guess is Adam) and the other will go the first chance they can after the Top Ten. I think Jeff will be all over splitting up these two and he can be pretty convincing. Despite the fact that these two probably could be the most supportive of the Newbie alliance, they’re both out for themselves and it’s only a matter of time before they’re split. Chance of winning: 0% (-1%).

That's just some of the review. If you want to know more about it, let's together watch this movie live streaming on July 17 2011. Happy watching and thank you.
Big Brother 13 Season 13 Episode 5


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